Cardiac Protection PREMIUM Anti-Aging (Edema Relief, Calcium Balance) Water Energy:
Drainage& Mineral Balance (Anti-Inflammatory) Stabilizes sodium/potassium/calcium balance
This blend relieves edema and helps to modulate the delicate sodium/potassium/calcium balance by reducing aldosterone and supporting the adrenals. It contains
oils with water energy, which help to drain excess fluid throughout the body;
vasorelaxant oils Cassia, Rosewood and other linalools and cineols
menthols including Peppermint, which affect calcium dynamics;
esters which protect against cardiovascular disease;
citruses including Grapefruit, Petitgrain and Bitter Orange; and ketones including Caraway, both of which are antispasmodic, assisting and protecting smooth muscles in the heart.
Ingredients: Contains Bergamot, Caraway, Juniper, Peppermint Wilhamette, Frankincense CO2 (Boswellia carterii),Croatian Lavender, Lemongrass citratus, Lemon Myrtle, Melissa, Eucalyptus radiata, Black Cumin, Camphor, Cassia, Nutmeg, Petitgrain, Grapefruit.
Uses: Use a few drops in carrier oil for bath or general massage.
Energetic Benefits: Cardiac Protection blend connects the adrenals with the root chakra, opening the root channel to overcome fear, and supporting the adrenals for needed emotional strength. -Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
1/8 oz: $10.50; 5 ml: $14.95; 1/4 oz: $17.95; 1/2 oz: $29.95; 1 oz: $54.50.
Physical Index: Activates Essential Fluids (Digestive, Sinuses, Pancreas, Adrenals), Antispasmodic (Asthma, Arthritis), Balancing Emotions & Metabolism, Calming, Nerve Strengthening, Emotional & Metabolic Balance, Stress & Panic Relief Massage.
Energetically, this one is going into the liver immediately. It's not moving away from the liver -- feels like it's organs of digestion, but it's not moving away from the liver; into the stomack, but back into the liver again. Now it's unwinding from the liver: adrenals and thyroid, throat, thyroid, pancreas. I think it's working on the Endocrine glands. It's going into my second chakra, and unwinding on the right side of the body, opening up my expressing. It's cleaning my emotional body, unwinding stuck emotions on the right side of my body. I feel the right side opening, relaxing. Now it's moving out the nadis, expanding, and now the backs of my chakras, and now out the fronts. -Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
Energy Index: Opens Root Chakra, Energizes Adrenals (fear relief & emotional support).
References: Johnson, Dr. Scott A & Plant, Dr. Joshua J. Synergy, It's an Essential Oil Thing: 2015 ISBN-13: 978-0-9964139-2-3. Chapter 3, "Essential Oils & Genetics: The Validation of Synergies Impacting Human Health", p. 39.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.