Oakmoss Bouquet EXQUISITE Daily Wear Blend & Essential Oil Base Note (Substitutes for Vetiver, which approximates the function of Sandalwood & is frequently called for in recipes to activate the Vagus Nerve, Pituitary & Pineal, & Parasympathetic State):
1) Supports the Health & Vitality of the Entire Body: Endocrine Support, Immune-Building, Warms and Energizes the Nerves, Spine and Kidneys; Natural Hormonal Support.
2) Sensual aphrodisiac personal essential oil blend — worn by both men and women
Warming and energizing daily personal wear blend, also used as a fixative or base note for other blends.
Sumptuously Rich Ingredients: Contains Cedarwood, Rose, Oakmoss (historically thought to bring money), Vetiver, Cinnamon, and Grapefruit, all of which are immune-building & hormonally balancing aphrodisiacs.
1/8 oz: $11; 1/4 oz: $20; 1/2 oz: $33; 1 oz: $52
Physical Index: Antispasmodic, Hormonal Support, Merchant Blend, Pain Relief, Respiratory, Sensual, Uplifting.
Energetically, the blend warms and energizes the nerves, spine and kidneys.
Energy Index: Cellular Energizing; Chakra 1: Root Warms Bones; Chakra 6: Nervine, Pituitary & Pineal; CNS Energizes Chakras; Kidney Drainage; Release & Elimination (Drainage): Kidneys, Sinuses, Colon, Lymph; Spinal Warming.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.