LOTUS BLOSSOM BOUQUET EXQUISITE Sensory-Enhancing Blend (Love, Inspiration, Rare & Precious Daily Wear):
Ingredients: Sweet, relaxing aphrodisiac blend of rare and precious oils (Rose, Jasmine, Spikenard, and Ylang Ylang).
Uses: Wear as perfume essence. Anoint the neck and apply to the temples, behind the ears, and back of the skull. Add a few drops to enrich other oils and blends.
Energetic Benefits: The Lotus Bouquet essential oil blend enhances the five senses, Third Eye and psychic senses (clairaudience, clairvoyance). It also supports the liver and strengthens the eyes.
1/8 oz: $20; 1/4 oz: $38; 1/2 oz: $58; 1 oz: $105
Physical Index: Alzheimer's Diffuser & Daily Wear, Ancient Holy Oils, Dissolve Anger, Anxiety Relief, Eyes, Heart Opening, Hormonal Support, Intuition, Liver, Inspiration & Meditation, Pain Relief, Reality (Grounding), Relaxing, Spiritual Sensuality (Endorphins), Uplifting, Women's Daily Wear.
Energetically, the blend enhances the five senses and also stimulates the Third Eye and psychic senses (clairaudience, clairvoyance). It also supports the liver and strengthens the eyes.
Energy Index: Aphrodisiac/2nd Chakra to Pituitary; Brain 3rd Eye, Eyes, CNS; Liver Support; Chakra 6: Nervine - Pituitary & Pineal; Sensory Expand - Psychic.
Essential oils travel quickly through the body and work energetically in a beneficial manner for people and animals, when held or a few drops applied on the skin.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.