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Product ID: AngelAssistancePk

Angelic Assistance/Angel Pack in Gift Bag

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ANGELIC ASSISTANCE Angel Gift Pack in Handmade Gift Bag 

(3) 1/8 oz Pure Essential Oil Blendsin Giftbag $48; (With Gold Box $48.50)

The Angel Gift Packs were commissioned by Kathleen Elmore (Kingwood TX) to accompany her Angel Workshops, which are based on the work of Doreen Virtue. This pack is contained in a gold bag, as the gold energy is associated with the opening of the crown chakra and connection with the Divine, allowing Angelic protection and assistance. These spiritual blends contain the same ancient Holy oils used in Biblical times, which are physically as well as spiritually strengthening -- and so they are life-saving Holy anointing oils, to be used undiluted or diluted in olive oil. They are also ideal to accompany yoga and meditation practices.

The blends are 100% pure essential oils with no additives or carrier oils, perfect for daily wear and energy, massage and hydrotherapy treatments. They may be diffused to cleanse and uplift the environment, & diluted in water spritzers for body and environmental air fresheners.

Angel Shield: Protective and regenerative hormone balancing blend enhances mental function, relieves irritability, and harmonizes the Central Nervous System.

Heal the Soul: Immune-building, grounding blend provides physical and emotional comfort, relaxes chest, oxygenates & gives energy to the lungs.

Golden Light: Protection Grounding, balancing, uplifting spiritual blend provides powerful protection..

ANGEL SHIELD: Protective, regenerative blend strengthens heart, nerves, balances metabolism to heal at a cellular level. The antidepressant blend reduces anxiety, stress and nervousness, releases emotional blockages, harmonizes CNS, relieves irritability, stimulates brain neurotransmitters for calm learning readiness.

Ingredients: Angelica, Myrtle, Basil, Frankincense, and Helichrysum

Uses: Use undiluted as inspirational and anointing blend for head, neck and heart area. Inhale for mental focus and stress relief. Dilute and apply on spine, feet, or full-body massage to strengthen nervous system. Therapists often use a drop on each of their shoulders and on their palms to energize and strengthen the auric shield before giving a treatment. This blend is frequently used as hormonal and general support for competition horses, particularly mares.

Energetically, the blend relieves stress and fear in the brain and mind, releases emotional blockages and assists brain integration.

HEAL THE SOUL'S IMMUNITY (Ground, Release, Recovery, Uplift): Sweet, precious blend comforts the heartsick! Immune-building, grounding, strengthening, eases grief & chronic sadness -- works on all levels.

Ingredients: Contains Ylang Ylang, Melissa, Frankincense, Rosemary, Myrtle, Cypress, Basil, Cassia, and Thyme.

Uses: Apply on neck & pressure points for daily wear; inhale or diffuse for meditation and uplift; dilute for inspirational massage.

Energetically the blend provides physical & emotional support, opens up the chest, gives energy to the lungs. Blend created by Yvonne Washington, RMT and Medical Intuitive, with the guiding influence of Jesus. 

Golden Light: Protection: (Comfort, Integration) Use for sensuality, meditation, spiritual opening, and pain relief.

Ingredients: Contains Coriander, Fir, Yarrow, Spikenard, Geranium, Cedarwood, Naiouli, Balsam, Pine, and Palmarosa.

Uses: Inhale, diffuse, wear full strength for personal essence; dilute for massage. For spiritual opening, apply to crown chakra (middle of top of head), centers of both palms, center of soles of feet.

Energetic Benefits: Golden Light - Protection essential oil blend activates the pineal and pituitary glands. 

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.

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Price: $48.00
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